#TalentEverywhere | Newsletter, October 2020

From Managing Director's Desk
Is Work From Home here to stay ?
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I hope you enjoy this newsletter that my brilliant team at Orcapod has put together for you. We’ve curated a couple of articles from leading publications across the world to keep you updated on the latest ongoings in the world of human resource management and talent acquisition. Do let us know what you think!

Trends that will make an impact on staffing in post-COVID19

Diversity hiring in India climbs to 32% in 2020
The question never gets old- why aren’t there enough women in senior leadership roles even today? The various cultural and social movements in recent times closer home and abroad, such as the ‘Black Lives Matter’ in the United States or a small but significant wave of the ‘#MeToo’ movement that India witnessed in 2019, has forced companies to work towards building a more diverse workforce. Well, India seems to have got the memo. Read this article for some great news!
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Private companies in India can now convert permanent jobs into fixed-term contracts – without offering severance pay or a fixed tenure
The Modi government has made significant changes in labour laws in recent times. One of the more significant changes that were announced earlier this month, was that private companies can now convert permanent jobs to fixed-term contracts. Will this be a boon for employers? What does this new reform mean for employees? This article covers all bases objectively.
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